12 Courses

Module 00: Introduction and Instructions
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Module 00: Introduction and Instructions

Welcome to Living Life with Pain – a 10 module e-learning Pain Management Programme (e-PMP) that has been developed by clinicians working in pain services and people living with pain. You have been advised to complete this programme by a Health Care Professional as you are likely to have been living with persistent pain for a long time. This e-PMP is free to use and will provide you with a wealth of information to help you better understand persistent pain and teach you some techniques to better manage your pain.

Module 01: Living with Persistent Pain
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Module 01: Living with Persistent Pain

This module begins your journey by explaining pain in more detail. This includes understanding the difference between acute pain and persistent pain, how pain can evolve with time, and the impact pain can have on people’s lives. We will also be exploring how many factors can have an effect on our pain systems. 

Module 02: The relationship between Stress and Pain
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Module 02: The relationship between Stress and Pain

In this, the second module, we introduce more information about the pain system, how this can become more sensitised over time, leading to more pain. We also explore the relationship between stress, sleep and pain. We discuss the importance of sleep in maintaining healthy minds and bodies, as well the importance of managing stress effectively and share techniques for improving sleep and stress management. 

Module 03: Pain, pacing and goal setting
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Module 03: Pain, pacing and goal setting

During this module, we will look at how living with pain may have influenced your perception of what you can and cannot do. Changing how we do things, or doing less can have an impact on our pain systems and we explore this in more detail in this module.  Pacing as a key skill that is widely recognised as being one of the most effective means of increasing your activity without increasing your pain. We will explore how alongside goal-setting, you can use these strategies to start getting back to doing what is important to you again.

Module 04: Medication and Coping
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Module 04: Medication and Coping

Are you taking lots of medication but still in pain? This module is designed to provide you with a wealth of information about different kinds of medications that are prescribed for persistent pain. It is hoped that at the end of this module you will feel able to reflect on your own use of medicines and consider their impact on your pain.  

Module 05: Emotions and Vicious Cycle
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Module 05: Emotions and Vicious Cycle

By now, you are aware of how complex persistent pain is, with lots of different systems all getting involved in increasing and easing our pain. We introduced the power of our thoughts and emotions earlier in the programme and during this module we will be spending some more time considering this using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) model. You will have opportunities to consider your own thoughts cycles and reflect on the impact of your thinking on your own pain experience. 

Module 06: Breaking out of Vicious Cycles
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Module 06: Breaking out of Vicious Cycles

During this module we will be thinking about your own CBT cycles and reflecting on the types of thoughts and emotions you experience. Module 6 focusses on developing useful techniques to break out of your unhelpful cycles by considering how we can target our critical and negative thinking, as well as how we can begin to respond to these thoughts differently. At the end of this module, you will be feeling more in control of your pain management and ready to embark on the next step. 

Module 07: Communications and Relationships
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Module 07: Communications and Relationships

In this module we will be considering the impact of your pain on others people. Living with pain can affect not only you, but those close to you. Communicating in an honest and open way can help others around you better understand how they can support you most effectively. During this module we help you understand how pain can affect relationships and we will be sharing some techniques to improve communication with others. 

Module 08: Acceptance and Mindfulness
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Module 08: Acceptance and Mindfulness

Acceptance of your pain is a crucial step in your ability to rediscover life with pain. This module explores the importance of being able to develop a level of acceptance and how this can help you live life in the moment, appreciating, noticing and engaging with the world around you.  You will have an opportunity to explore techniques to help with this using mindfulness methods. 

Module 09: Values and Long-Term Goals
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Module 09: Values and Long-Term Goals

Now that you are beginning to realise that life can be enjoyed, even with pain, we start to explore what really matters to you – the important things in your life that may have been neglected for a little while. This module provides you with an opportunity to take time to reflect on your own values, what you would like to work towards as we draw to the end of the programme and how you can continue to improve and build your own pain management toolkit. 

Module 10: Barriers and Setbacks
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Module 10: Barriers and Setbacks

In this final module of the programme we consider the common barriers that people face when trying to make changes to managing your pain, and explore ways of overcoming these barriers and set-backs in a proactive way. Module 10 also encourages you to think about your future goal setting, what you would like to work towards and encourages you to use all the techniques and tools that you have learnt during the programme that will enable you to live your life fully with pain.  

Module 11: Post-Course Assessment
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Module 11: Post-Course Assessment

Congratulations on completing the Living Life with Pain eLearning programme!

Please complete the questionnaire and feedback forms below so that our clinical team can monitor your progress and continue to improve this service.